Serpent Brewing is closing

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Name: Kevin Dunbar

Serpent Brewing is closing

Post by jkdunbar » Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:55 am

Sad to hear. I always enjoyed going there after playing hockey at the Spryfield Area. They had good and unique beers.

I gave Glen some of my Westvleteren 12 last year when he was developing his clone reciepe.

From their Facebook Page:

So.... you're probably still wondering why we're closing, right?

Serpent Brewing, as much as it's always been about the community, has always been too big for the community. We just can't, no matter how hard we try, drink enough beer to pay for all that square footage and crazy price increases. When we started, a bag of malt was $30, now it's $47 but pints were never gonna be $12 at Serpent no matter what. We always had our sights set on NSLC, and built our business plan around growth. After a successful year of selling our flagship Judas Belgian Blonde at a rate of one pallet per month (great for a new brewery, unheard of for a local belgian ale) we were refused any more shelf space and any more skus at NSLC.

The next time you are at NSLC I want you to ask yourself why there is an entire aisle of French, New Zealand, and Italian wines but Serpent Brewing is refused access to any more representation than once single can. The next time you are in Newfoundland, ask yourself why Marie's Mini Mart as a corner store is the #1 reseller of NL craft beer but NSLC has the monopoly here.

Thank you to all the friends, family, staff, industry partners, customers, musicians, and performers that shared these moments with us and supported us throughout.

A very special thank you to all the craft brewers who paved the way for Serpent to exist. We know some but only part of the sacrifice you folks have made so that the fifty-something other of us could have a go.

Take care.
Glen O'Keefe
Serpent Brewing

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